The April 2018 edition of the Huachuca Astronomy Club newsletter, Nightfall, is now available for download. Submissions for next month’s issue can be sent to , our Nightfall editor
News items about the club (Outreach projects, New members, Field trip planning, meeting reports, etc).
Our April 13th meeting at 7pm in the Student Union, Cochise College Sierra Vista features a talk by Dr. Kevin Hainline.
Dr. Hainline is an astronomer and researcher on the James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam science team at Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. His research focuses on hunting for active galaxies and quasars and understanding the effects of a growing, powerful supermassive black hole on its host galaxy. Currently, he is helping to plan the initial deep observations to be done by JWST to explore the evolution of the earliest galaxies. He received his PhD from UCLA in 2012 and spent three years as a researcher and professor at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, before moving to Tucson to work on JWST. Kevin has a passion for science outreach education, speaking about astronomy any chance he can get. Kevin is very enthusiastic.
The annual Messier Marathon is being sponsored by both the Palominas Astronomy Club and Huachuca Astronomy Club. This years event will be host by Keith Mullen at the Repogazer Observatory on Saturday, March 17th. See the attached flyer for more details.
Our March 9 meeting at 7pm in the Student Union, Cochise College Sierra Vista features a talk by Dr. Nick Ballering.
Nick is a postdoctoral research associate in astronomy at the University of Arizona, Steward Observatory. He received his B.S. in astronomy and physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He then attended graduate school at the University of Arizona under the guidance of professor George Rieke, receiving his PhD in 2016. His research interests revolve around exoplanetary systems. What is their architecture? How do they form? How common or rare is our solar system? Nick works to answer these questions by observing circumstellar disks.
The HAC website now has a new area under ‘Resources‘ where we will be adding content regarding all manner of light pollution issues. Bob Gent has already penned a great article drawing on his prior experience as a past president of the International Dark-Sky Association. Please give it a read and pass the link along to your friends and neighbors. We welcome all contributions to our Resources page, no matter which astronomy topic you wish to address.