The October 2019 edition of the Huachuca Astronomy Club newsletter, Nightfall, is now available for download. Submissions for next month’s issue can be sent to , our Nightfall editor
We are sad to report that our friend, club mate, and Past President Bob Gent has passed away. The cause is not yet confirmed but we believe it was his heart. Bob will have a traditional funeral service, with military honors, and will be interred in a small cemetery in or near New Franklin, Ohio.
Tonights HAC Meeting has been cancelled on account of the weather. Check back here or on Facebook to see when we are able to reschedule.
We now have a PDF of all the planned HAC events for 2019 available for download on the Resources/Calendars page.
You can stay informed about our events by signing up for our list serve group HacAstro. Just send an email to if you are not already a member. If you select to receive emails, you’ll get reminders about our events.
The January meeting of the Huachuca Astronomy Club will be held on January 18 at 7 pm in the Student Union building at Cochise College. Our speaker is Dr. Everett Schlawin a Post Doc researcher at the University of Arizona. Everett is interested in what planets and their atmospheres are made of. He studies planet composition by observing transiting planets – planets that cross in front and behind their host stars. Everett is a member of the James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam team, led by Marcia Rieke. The unprecedented Webb telescope will enable giant leaps in our understanding of planet composition.
We will take Everett to diner at outback before the meeting. RSVP to Bill Howard (howardwj51 at if you would like to join us for dinner.