Club Meeting Announcement for January 2017

The next meeting of the Huachuca Astronomy Club will be held on Friday, January 13th at 7 pm in the Community Room of the Student Union Building at Cochise College, 901 North Colombo Avenue, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635.

samarasinhaThe speaker will be Dr. Nalin Samarasinha, a Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson.

Dr. Samarasinha received his PhD from University of Maryland where his studies focused on cometary science. A portion of his PhD work involved studying the rotational state of comet 1P/Halley — first “tumbling” comet or asteroid. Over the last three decades, he has investigated the dynamical and physical processes occurring in the comae and nuclei of many comets and he has over 50 peer-reviewed publications. Asteroid 12871 is named for him in recognition of his contributions to cometary science.

His talk will be about the global campaign to monitor comae of three comets which will come close to Earth in 2017 and 2018 where amateur astronomers can make significant contributions.


Three Jupiter-family comets – 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova, and 46P/Wirtanen – experience close approaches to Earth ranging from 0.08-0.14 AU during the interval of 2017-2018. Three such close approaches in two years is a rare occurrence.

Similar to the Global Comet ISON Coma Morphology Campaign coordinated by the PSI in 2013, the global 4*P Coma Morphology Campaign ( is seeking the participation of both professional and amateur astronomers.  The primary goal of this effort is to produce science facilitated by a multi-longitudinal observing campaign.

The talk will provide an introduction to comets and the results that could be achieved from this global coma morphology campaign.

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